English internet entrepreneur Alex Tew finally has unveiled something that I understand – and applaud.
For those who don’t know about Tew, he was the creator of MillionDollarHomepage.com a site that sold online advertising at a rate of $1 per pixel. The result is a screen that is a 1,000 x 1,000 pixel collage of tiny logos that link to individual advertisers’ sites.
Why anyone would advertise in this fashion remains a mystery to me, but Tew combines showmanship and public relations skill to promote his project and power it to success. According to The London Telegraph, his earnings actually exceeded his $1 Million goal. So Tew proved to be a visionary and the rest of us learned another valuable lesson about new wave internet marketing.
In his latest venture, Tew has done a public service for all of us who worry about being connected 24/7. His new site, DoNothingfor2Minutes.com delivers exactly what its name implies. It is a beautiful, full-screen photo of a sunset about rippling waves, accompanied by the sounds of an ocean surf. There is a two-minute timer at the center of the page, followed by tiny letters on the page instruct the visitor to “Just relax and listen to the waves. Don’t touch your mouse or keyboard.”
If you fail to follow instructions, site admonishes you and starts another 2-minute clock. If you succeed, you are rewarded with a very British “Well Done.”
Of course, Tew couldn’t resist dropping in a sign-up box on the site for future projects to “aid relaxation,” but perhaps he has earned our trust for creating this very Zen experience.
By: David Stiefel